People who knew Brazilian Jairo Sousa are still in shock over the radio journalist’s death.

They say he was a combative personality and “denounced suspicious bidding, overbilling in purchases in [city’s] departments. He was critical of the current city hall, some city councilors and even businessmen,” Angelina Nunes, coordinator of the Tim Lopes Program for the Brazilian Association of Investigative Journalism (Abraji), told the Knight Center.

Jairo Sousa (Facebook)
Nunes is part of the Abraji team that arrived in Bragança, in the northern state of Pará, on July 5 to begin the Program’s second ever investigation into the death of a press worker.

The police investigation into the Sousa murder is also underway, according to Nunes, and is being done under secrecy. “The evidence is strong and points to the most likely hypothesis of his death as a consequence of his work in radio,” she added.

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